Life out on the Farm

Life on the family farm near a small town, remodeling an old farmhouse and enjoying rural life, except for the dust!


Married with 2 kids, live in the midwest.

Monday, August 21, 2006

School is here

Took B. to get his haircut tonight. High school starts in 2 days. I am feeling so very old! Took him to the outlet mall on Sunday to get some new shoes. Found 2 pairs of his size 15s on sale! Happy about that. Got some shorts for him also at Old Navy and some shirts at Reebok & Nike stores. I took the princess shopping a couple of weeks ago for some school clothes. She is growing by leaps and bounds also. She got to go to her classroom tonight and put away her supplies and see her teacher. She loved that. She got to keep the same teacher she had last year - the teacher moved up a grade, as she learned sign language for a child in their room last year. They moved the princess and 3 other girls up with the one child, as they liked playing together and had learned/retained a lot of signs. This is great - the princess will stay learning sign language, which will be great.
B decided to skip football this fall, after the arm break a year ago, he doesn't feel the need to do that again! Plus he loves basketball too much to risk missing a season due to an injury.
Tonya had an ultrasound Friday. The baby is waving it's hand beside the head! We don't know the sex of it yet - so we all get to be surprised in December!
Grandma wasn't sleeping well this week, according to my mom. But I believe it got better over the wknd.
Crops look good around here. We have had some nice rains, compared to some areas.
We took a short vacation with Kay & family, went to the zoo, was a good time. Our hotel was very nice, we both had suites with a living room/kitchen area off of the bedrooms. Kay & I enjoyed it - when the kids and husbands went to sleep, we both had a place to relax and read in peace! We stayed 2 nights there, then went to the Wasserbahn. The kids all enjoyed that. Kay & I even did a water slide...I did the fast one and she did the gentle one - but it was fun. The princess giggled so hard - she ran to get all of the boys - to tell them what we were doing! (Thank Goodness there are no photos of that!) Alex would jump in to the pool - in my arms yelling Cowbunga, Missybunga, Mommybunga or Alexbunga! He made us laugh. Pat would swing him out by his arms and drop him into to me. He'd just laugh...
Have a good night.


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